Saturday, May 20, 2017

Wisdom in the Journey

Wisdom in the Journey

At the beginning of this year we all were asked to sit down and write out our vision list for the year. And I don't know about y'all but I got pumped up about it!  Just sitting down and writing out the plans and the things God had shown me and my husband for our close future and our distant future got me super excited! 

How quickly that excitement can disappear though. How quickly we can loose focus on something that seems so far away!  

There are things on my vision list that seem impossible. There are things that people would say "you are crazy" for even dreaming them. BUT GOD!!!! 

See faith is believing even when you don't understand how. 

Do you have a GPS system?  Thank God for GPS because I don't have a clue what north, south and east mean when people say that?  So if you have a GPS you likely put in the destination and hit go. Then you turn on your car and you drive. That GPS (usually) gets you there without an issue. I doubt that many of us put in our destination and then pull up the list of directions and then question that robot voice on why that way?  And if it's a place you have never traveled are those roads and intersections and off ramps going to make any sense to you?  NO!!!  We don't argue or question that GPS!  So why do we do that with God.  God knows where we are going and how we are to get there. We do not need to know each street name and intersection we will use to get there!  All it would do is frustrate us and confuse us. 

I encourage you to enjoy the journey. When you are driving down the road without any idea of when your next exit will come, look around and enjoy the scenery!  Don't miss it because you are distrusting your GPS AKA Holy Spirit!  

There is wisdom found in the journey. 

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