Friday, May 12, 2017

The Local Church

The Local Church

I love the local church!  God put a love in my heart for the church and what it represents in the earth even as a young child.  Church was where my existence made sense. 
From the time I can remember, I’ve always talked about God and  somehow knew that I NEEDED God.  I didn’t realize all that it meant but God was drawing me.  You know how some people are “naturally” strong?  They just handle stuff.  Stubborn.  Determined.  That wasn’t me.  Ever.  I wasn’t strong.  I was scared.  Fear was a daily part of my life, and let me say, fear is a horribly debilitating thing - exactly what Satan means for it to be.  Fear.  That pretty much summed up my life. 

Oh, but, God!  One thing I’ve learned over the years is that when you hunger and thirst for Him, He always fills you!  He was then and continues to be now, faithful to bring people across my path and into my life to bring me Him!  These people didn’t come knocking on my door - these people were always found in the local church.  

They were Pastors, Sunday School teachers, Vacation Bible School teachers, worship leaders, children’s workers, youth workers, church bus drivers, and men and women who served in various capacities in the church.  They were on assignment.  And their assignment from God was to make sure this little girl saw Him - the One Who promised to deliver me from all my fears! 

Of all the precious gifts I’ve known, the peace of God is one of the most precious and valuable to me.  Psalm 34:4 - I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears!

I remember with much gratitude each church I’ve been a part of (there’s only been four in my 51 years).  I’m so grateful for each Pastor - the precious God given gifts to the church that feed and lead the sheep.  God meets us there!  He has words from heaven for us there!  There is help there!  There is peace there!  It’s the place where I’ve learned who I am in Christ and what I have in Christ and that God is a good God with a good plan for my life. It’s the place where I dedicated my babies to the Lord and put them in His hands trusting Him to take care of them and reveal Himself to them all the days of their lives.  Talk about peace!

What a difference the local church has made in my life!  What a gift to the world!  The church!  Jesus is indeed building His church and while I’m here on this earth, my greatest purpose and desire is that I will be a blessing and a help in the church He’s called me to because there’s a little girl, a little boy, a teen, a mom, a dad out there whose heart is hungering for Him, who needs His love and His peace and there is NOTHING greater in this world than KNOWING HIM AND MAKING HIM KNOWN!   

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