Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jump In With Both Feet!

“You can be committed to church but not committed to Christ, but you cannot be committed to Christ and not committed to church.” -Pastor Joel Osteen

Wow. What a statement. You were never meant to do life by yourself. God created us to need each other! One of the main ways He has established to strengthen, equip, train, and encourage us in life is through His Church.

Did you know the only way you will flourish in life is to stay planted in the place (local church) that God has called you to? Psalm 92:13 says, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”

Being disconnected from the body of believers He’s called you to is like taking a branch that is connected to a large oak tree and cutting it off. It won’t take long before that beautiful healthy branch begins to wither and die. Those who are planted in a local church are some of the healthiest, most stable Christians. Those who bounce all over and never get rooted into a local church seem to have a life that reflects instability and confusion.

My encouragement for you today is:
1. GET PLANTED. Find the House [local church] that God has called you to. Plug in and use the gifts and talents that God has given you.
2. STAY PLANTED. Let your roots grow deep. Then you will begin to grow and flourish into the person that God has called you to be. Bearing much fruit! This only happens by sticking to the House [local church] He has called you to. Don’t let offense, bitterness or strife be an avenue that allows the enemy to pull you out.

Hebrews 10:25 “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

Have you noticed someone at BC (or the church you attend) who hasn’t been there in awhile? Or seems to have drawn back? Or maybe it’s you? Just like Hebrews 10:25 tells us, love them and encourage them to jump back in! We need each other. Or if it’s you, encourage yourself. Get an accountability partner. Decide to be all in!

Make a commitment today to Jump in with both feet. And while you’re at it, grab a friend and jump together!

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