Monday, April 3, 2017

The Daily Test of Stewardship

The Daily Test of Stewardship

Did you know that each day when you wake up, you begin a new test of stewardship? We’ve all been placed as stewards over many, many things. Think about the resources you’ve been entrusted with. A few basics that most of us can relate to are: a home, a vehicle, money. What about the resources that can’t be monetarily valued: your job, your family members, spouse, your friends and co-workers, and perhaps one of the most precious resources of all, your time. All of these are things that have been put into our ownership, and until the day we go home to be with our Savior, each day we will be given the daily test of stewardship.

A steward is a manager. You are a manager. Have you ever had an experience with a manager that you deemed good? Did you want to sing complement them, or pass along the word? What about a poor manager… how did your experience with him/her make you feel? It’s possible that the sentiments you felt on either occasion could also be translated in your daily test of stewardship.

A good manager:
- is aware of the resources he’s managing, and maximizes them to the fullest potential
- takes good care of the equipment/people/resources that he manages
- is vision focused. He aligns his resources to accomplish the vision of the company he works for

A poor manager:
- is lazy and wasteful
- has his mind set on things other than his job (the weekend ahead or the next big event on his personal calendar)
- cares more for his own needs than the needs of his team

Never forget that regardless of your performance, God’s love, grace, and mercy never run out! If you didn’t manage your yesterday like a good manager would, it’s ok, because His mercy towards you is new today (Lam. 3:23)! But also keep this in mind that God’s Word is very clear about the process of promotion. Would you like to be promoted with a new home? Manage the one you have to the best of your ability. How about a promotion at work? Show up on time and give it your best effort. Are you needing a boost in energy? Be aware of the fuel you’re putting in your body and the amount of exercise and sleep you’re getting.

Each day is a new opportunity. Take time to get before the Lord and ask Him which areas He would like you to steward better. The result of your diligence and obedience will be a promotion of blessing!

Matt. 25:23 ”His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Mal. 3:10  “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

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