Talk about reward
76,000,000 salvations and counting…That is how many people
have been saved through the ministry of Dr. Reinhard Bonnke. Did you know that there was a time in His
life where he was lost and unsaved but someone reached out to him and lead him
to the truth found in Gods word?
We often times see people just as they are but that is not
how God sees them. He sees them for what
He calls them to be! Its easy to sit in
church and hear a good message, then recommit your walk to the Lord for another
week...It is another story to hold fast to our "Yes Lord" and do what
He says to do.
What would have happened had someone not reached out to
Reinhard? Check out this story with Ananias and Saul.
In acts 9:10-19, Ananias saw a crazy guy that faithfully
destroyed anyone and anything that stood for Christ the Anointed One.
God saw a man that would write 2/3 of the New Testament,
deliver the message of Grace, Hope, and Love unlike the world had ever seen. He
saw a man that would praise Him with all his might while chained to a wall and
3 feet deep in city sewage. He saw a man that would get stoned and left for
dead, only to get back up and go right back to the mission in that city. He saw
a man that would gladly endure shipwreck and then lead a village to Christ.
Stick with "Yes Lord."
That's how Gods plan moves forward and the world gets
reached. Just think, all that Paul endured during His ministry could be
credited back to Ananias just because He said Yes when God said Go. Talk about
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