Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Stomp the snake!

Stomp the snake!

That is a rather random title isn't it?! Well I would like to just inform you that stomping the snake is a part of using the authority that we have as a believer in Christ.  Check out Luke 10:19.

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

I was just reading this today and I heard the Lord say "Stomp the Devil!" The very first time that the devil shows up in the bible, he shows up as a snake!  As believers, we need to recognize that God has given us the power to trample him underfoot!  Stop going through life with his slithery lies, and stinky paranoias!  Stomp him!  The devil may be speaking but there is no good that comes out of him!

I know for me, I won't tolerate a snake in my home...Not even around my home for that matter.  So why should we sit and tolerate the devil?  James 4:7 says to submit yourself to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Did you know that the word resist is actually translated “opposition”.  In other words, if there is a snake loose in your house, don't just cover it with a bucket and leave it there...Take it outside and make it wish it had never slithered into your life!! 

This is what walking in authority over the devil looks like.  It looks like opposing his lies with truth.  His sickness, with God's Word on Healing.  His poverty, with God's richness and fullness.  When we live this way, it is as if we are dealing a death stomp to the head of this slithery foe and that is God's best for us.  That we would live like the devil is powerless in our lives by enforcing the authority that God gave us over him.  

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