Tuesday, March 21, 2017

One Degree Change

One Degree Change

“It only takes a slight shift to alter the course of your life," a mentor once said. We notice that one degree means the difference between rain and snow, hot water and boil. One degree of difference.

And, I've found in my faith walk that the devil is on to the value of small change. Really any change. I hear these thoughts: Things are really messed up! How will I ever straighten this out? Ugh..I've tried to change this forever!! Nothing ever seems to help.

When I see those words I know they are lies but in the middle of the muck, I have to admit to overwhelmed feelings that say there's NO small change that could ever make a difference. But, when we look into how God does things, we can see the power in One Degree Change.

Jesus tells us to speak to the mountain. Simple, right? The prophet told the leper Nathan to go dip in the Jordan to be cleansed. Easy enough. Jesus asked the disciples to pass out some fragments of a few fish and some bits of bread to thousands of people. This simple act changed their thinking from having to find the supply to becoming distributors of the supply!!

Kenneth Hagin said, "Many people are looking for the spectacular and are missing the supernatural that is right there all the time." It's in the little things. The simple, "Sure, I can do that Lord," attitude. Just say yes to the prompting and little by little by little God will guide you out of the trouble and into The Blessing.

Kenneth Copeland gives this example. When he makes a course correction while flying, he doesn't go back to the airport he started from and start all over. He simply adjusts the navigation system to get back on the flight pattern--all while still traveling toward his destination. It's not necessary to start all over like the devil would make us believe.

Paul says in II Corinthians 11:3, "But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity...of Christ." Jesus made sure that we were to understand that even a child could do this.

Turn toward God's direction One Degree today and watch faith build in your heart. We can do it!!

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