Sunday, February 5, 2017

Good vs Powerful

I’m not sure why, but I tend to always find a reflection point in the movies I watch.  The most recent was in Batman vs Superman by way of the villain.  There’s a spoiler alert coming, but let’s be real, if you wanted to see the movie that much then you would’ve already seen it.

It’s pretty well established that all superhero movies are your classic good vs evil showdown.  This movie takes it a little further in regards to superman in referring to him as a god.  Not too surprising since he’s an alien who obviously does Crossfit, can fly, and shoot fire from his eyes.  That made the premise of this movie silly from the start in thinking that a rich dude in a batsuit was taking on a crossfitting alien.

It’s not the first time I’ve heard superman referred to as a god, but Lex Luther takes it a step further in just mentioning him as god.  The quote I want to get to is a point in the movie where Luther is talking to Batman and says, “I’ve learned that if God is all powerful then He can’t be all good and that if He’s all good then He can’t be all powerful.”  Not a surprising point of a view from a jaded villain in a movie, but it did make me think about how many people hold this point of view.  Given the world we live in and all of the bad things that can happen, I suppose it’s not too surprising that people would hold this point of view.

I mean, if they don’t know God then they could cede the fact that He’s all powerful but doesn’t care enough to get involved in their daily affairs.  Then there will be some, even some traditional thinking Christians, who could believe that God is good but that He’s not powerful enough to intervene in their situation.  Fortunately, we don’t have to fall on either side of this coin as God is as much powerful as He is good.  The pre-meal prayer that we teach our children says it all.  God is great, God is good.  He is both and He is equally both.  Think about it, the Creator of the universe is inherently as good as the power He demonstrated in His creative work.  I know this by His decision to give His Son up at the CHANCE that I might accept Him and join God’s family.

Luther was jaded by his own life experience, as many of us have been, and couldn’t fathom that God could be both all powerful and all good.  That’s the problem though.  You can’t boil God down to what your life experience has been.  God is who He has demonstrated Himself to be throughout the ages and it’s made clear in the bible.  I’ll never understand why someone would reject the good news of the bible to hold on to an inferior truth.  Let’s be sure not to do that any longer as we remember that God’s power is rivaled only by His goodness.  Let me leave you with this verse in showing God’s goodness and His willingness to show up in your life.  Romans 8:31-32 - What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?  If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?

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