Thursday, February 16, 2017

Broken Branches

Broken Branches

I was studying and researching today for some upcoming children’s curriculum when I came across this story:

“I was walking through a grove of trees, and I came upon a tree that had just endured a recent storm.  It’s branches were weak and broken and were not producing fruit like they did before.  I looked ahead and saw the gardener coming.  I assumed he was coming to prune the broken and weak branches, but that wasn’t at all what he did.  You see, he loved the tree and wanted to do everything he could to spare all of the beautiful branches that once produced much fruit.  So he began gently caring for the tree.  

He carefully took the tender, broken branches and tied them back onto the big, strong tree.  He began to water and nourish the tree. I wondered if that would really work.  The branches were battered and almost completely torn from the tree itself.  Everyday, for months, I would return to the tree in the grove just to see if the gardener’s care for the tree would revive it to its former glory.  Everyday the gardener would be out there tending to it, watching over it, giving it the nourishment it needed for strength and growth.  

However, I noticed it was still not producing any fruit. So I asked the gardener, "Why are you working so hard on restoring branches that have no hope of producing fruit?”  The gardener paused, and with a smile on his face said,“As long as these branches are attached to the tree…they will eventually bear fruit.”  Even though I was skeptical, I continued visiting that tree every week or so.  

One day, as I approached the tree I noticed the ties that the gardener had used to hold the branch to the tree had been removed.  I looked at the tree in awe as I saw the tree….once broken…once fruitless…whole….bearing fruit…and restored to its former glory.“

Have you ever felt broken?  Please be encouraged and know today that just like the gardener patiently and gently restored the tree to its former glory, God can and will restore you to yours.  Allow Him to keep you attached to the tree.  

The Bible says in John 15:5, "I am the Vine; you are the branches.  If you will remain in Me, and I in you, you will produce much fruit.”  There are storms that come in life that will try to rip you from the “vine.”  

God wants to be the good gardener and attach you to Him. Because He knows that apart from Him, you will wither and die.  But if you will allow Him to gently restore your brokenness, you will be nourished back to full health and begin to produce the fruit you once did.

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