Monday, June 5, 2017

I'm Just So Busy!!!

I'm Just So Busy!!!

In today's world it is like a badge of honor to say "I'm just so busy".  Like the people who aren't as busy have something to be ashamed of for not running themselves so thin.  I think this is why we are so apt to add things to our plate in such a hurry.  That "one more thing" could be another trophy to hang in our case.  Like our baggy eyes and extra cup of coffee are medals around our neck that signify our social status.

I don't know about you but I don't feel like that is God's best for our lives.  In fact, I would venture to say that it is more likely a ploy from the enemy than a gift from our Father. 

I was sitting at lunch today with a bunch of people I had never met and they were talking about my long work commute.  They said "you must be a morning person".  I agreed and began to explain to them that I wake up early because it starts my day off right and my day just isn't complete without my normal routine.  So I choose to wake up early to make sure I can fit in my bible study and my workout because evenings are much harder for me.  The man sitting next to me says "I wish I had the time to do a bible study" like it was some kind of insult that I had so much "time" on my hands.  I just smiled and said "yes" and I went back to eating my lunch. 

I wasn't upset and he certainly didn't mean anything by it I just found it so amusing that it is almost a social mishap to make time for things that really matter.  One of my favorite quotes I like to share with people is "stop saying you don't have time and start admitting that it's just not a priority to you".  Isn't this true?  How many times do we adjust our schedule to fit in one more sport for our kid to play because they came home with a sign up and their friends are playing?  How quick are we to take on more chores or house projects because our neighbors just upgraded their house?  How quick are we to work more hours to afford that car we have been eyeballing for a year?  We make time for those things but we don't have time to get into the word? The most important investment of time we can possibly make for ourselves or our families and we "don't have time" but we "wish we did"????

God gave us time as a gift.  Just like he gave us money as a gift.  The difference is that money we can make more of, time we cannot.  We have to make sure that the time we use is worth it's value.  Time is very valuable, I don't think anyone would disagree.  But do we really treat it as such?  Do we see our time spent as an investment?  If you aren't "spending" your time on things of value but rather letting the world dictate where you "spend" it, then you will look up and have nothing to show for all of your time. 

Let's try something different.  Let's look at time like we look at money and tithe it!  Give God 10% at least and see how much VALUE that brings in return.  He will redeem it.  He will line up your steps.  He will make your path straight.  But be careful.  When people see that you no longer need that extra cup of coffee, or you said no to your kid about playing that sport they don't even like, they may begin to question where you stand on the social ladder.  They may even see you "have it all together" and want to know what makes you so different.  They may begin to see the light that has only previously been a quick flash as we zoom by them on our way to the "next thing".  You could break the mold and set NEW examples for our future generations.

Don't you think it's "time" to rethink out "time"? 

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