I'm in the Lord's army
Do you guys remember that song, "I'm in the Lord's
army! YES SIR"? I realize this is a kid song but I still randomly
sing it when I need to be reminded of my purpose here.
Why do people CHOOSE to join the army? I doubt that
any of them just really enjoy the thrill of leaving their families, shooting
and getting shot at and risking their lives on a daily basis. NO
WAY. They join because they know a real truth. That we have
something that needs to be fought for. They know that if they don't fight
then no one will be able to enforce the freedom so many fought for us to
have. They don't go to battle everyday trying to obtain that victory,
rather, they fight to KEEP it. They also know that when they are deployed
that they MUST KEEP THEIR EYES ON THEIR PURPOSE. They know that where
they are is temporary but meaningful. They fight for their kingdoms back
As I think about what it means to be in the Lord's army I
recognize some truths:
1) It's a choice
2) It won't always be easy
3) I'm not fighting FOR victory I'm fighting to keep it
4) This is not my home. I fight for my Kingdom.
I look at life so differently now that I know these
truths. When I came back to God I asked myself "what is my
purpose?" I longed to be with my Father. Not in a bad way but
my entire life was all about me and now that I had made an adjustment and
really made Him Lord I struggled with my purpose. I asked God "Why
do you keep us here when we get saved? Why not just take us
home". You want to know His answer?
He said (in my spirit man) "Because, you are in my
army and I need you to fight for my Kingdom. Because your purpose is my
PEOPLE. Because you have an important job to do and I need you to fulfill YOUR
Oh boy!!!!! I have a purpose. I have a job. I
have a reason. I have a why.
So those moments when I get all twisted in my world with
cares and worries. With doubts and concerns. With fears and
sorrows. I sing this song.
"I may never march in the infantry, ride in the
Calvary, shoot the artillery, I may never zoom past the enemy BUT I'M IN THE
2 Timothy 2:3-4
Take with me your share of hardship [passing through the
difficulties which you are called to endure], like a good soldier of Christ
Jesus. No soldier in active service gets entangled in the affairs of
civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him
to serve.
Philippians 1:21
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain
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