God is always speaking and showing us things.
Sometimes it's something that we've been working on for a while and other times
it's a new thing that He wants to shape/mold in our lives. For me recently,
it's been regarding the motivation in my heart. It's so easy to get a blessing
and say, "look what I got!" and based on our voice inflection, we can
make it seem as if we're saying it in gratitude. However, our response that we
should be giving when we get blessed is, "Look what God has done!"
Did I deserve it? No.
Did I do something to earn it? No.
Wrong questions anyway.
What did God do? Gave all because He loves.
What do I do? Be an imitator of Him, not
begrudgingly or out of greed, and look to the previous question to really
answer this one: We give because we love Him and we are grateful for what He
has done for us.
We have to constantly keep renewing our minds to
the fact that God pulled us out of a horrible place and set us in Christ Jesus
in the heavenly realm. Thankfulness is the real key here. "Thank you, Lord
for what you did for me so now I can go a show your love to others and give to
them freely, just as you gave to me." Focusing on Him and what He says,
then doing it, trains our hearts and minds to be more and more like-minded with

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