God is good to all
Did you know that God Almighty, the Creator
of the universe had THE plan of redemption in place BEFORE He ever created
mankind? God did not look down on earth when Adam sinned and say, “Ohhhh
My Self! What am I going to do now?" Sounds so ridiculous, doesn’t
it, and yet many Christians believe that God was completely unprepared for
man’s rebellion. Side note: Always remember this: God never plays catch-up to Satan. If He did, Satan could lead God. That has never and will never happen. We need to get what Billye Brim calls "a before the foundation of the world” mentality. Just look up the Scriptures in 1 Peter and in Revelation that talks about the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, and what He planned and preordained for mankind before the foundation of the world. You will begin to realize that your God is an amazing God of love and He is quite the Planner! He left nothing undone!
With that being said, I want to expound a little more on God’s character and the way He works. Acts 10:34 tells us that God shows no partiality and is no respecter of persons. That means if you have ever seen God do anything for anyone in His Word, then He’ll do it for you! He is no respecter of persons! Wow! That has to be good news for somebody! Somebody shout! I heard this statement from an instructor in Bible School some years ago, “What God does for one, He wills to do for all." Man, that stayed with me!
When the leper came to Jesus and said, "Master if you will, I know that you CAN heal me." Jesus said, "I will." And He healed him. Jesus said, "I will." Let me say it again. God is no respecter of persons! He does not pick and choose who to save, who to heal, who to bless, who to be good to! The Bible says that God is gracious and good to ALL! We are the determining factor. We must, by faith in HIM, receive. Do you have faith to receive? You can!
Get your faith engines fired up by seeing for yourself all that God has done in His Word. If He delivered someone from the enemy in the Bible, He wants to deliver you! If He paid someone’s debt off, He wants to pay your debt off! If He blessed someone, He wants to bless you! If He healed anyone, He wants to heal you! If He performed a miracle for ANYONE, He wants to perform a miracle for you!
Be bold and bring your Father joy today by believing Him to show Himself strong on YOUR behalf!