Monday, January 2, 2017

I Want to Know Christ

What does knowing Christ even look like these days? Is it going to church every Sunday and Wednesday throughout your life and praying over your meals before you eat them? I sincerely believe that this is the level that a lot of us are playing on. Instead of knowing Christ, we know about Him. In our fast paced environment, we look at Jesus and say, “this is so old school.” ”Where is the relevance?”

Paul said in Philippians 3:10 (NLT)…I want to know Christ! Prior to this statement He talked about all of His credentials. All of His earnings in life. His place in that day’s society which was pretty high considering He was taking orders from the head honchos of the town. He was talking about what He thought His purpose was. His exact words are this: Philippians 3:8 (NLT)…Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ.

Gaining Christ is definitely going to be a sacrifice. It could mean getting up earlier or going to bed later. It could mean letting someone with a cart full of groceries go ahead of you so that you can get their tab. It could look like giving one of your vehicles to someone who is in need of a breakthrough so their prayers can become a reality. It could mean approaching the goth kid that no one talks to and eating lunch with Him so He can experience the Love of Jesus and accept Jesus into his heart. There is nothing like every one of these stories from my life.

I think more often than not, we live attached to this life instead of the One who is life. There is one purpose to our existence. Knowing Jesus. More today than yesterday. Giving Him all that we have and living attached to nothing. Imagine what this world would look like if we as believers in Jesus lived for Him instead of for the promotion we want, or the big house, or the new car, or the vacation to Hawaii. Those aren’t bad things but they definitely rob us of purpose when we pursue those instead of Him.

One encounter with Jesus changed Paul into one of the most passionate people to ever walk this earth. He knew His life outside of Christ and in Christ. There was no comparison. His purpose became I want to know Christ.

Today, make it a point to meditate Philippians 3:10. Ask yourself, “what does this look like?” Then when Christ begins talking to you, do what He says! It always pays more than it costs to follow Him.

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