When I woke up this morning, I felt very blessed. I was very thankful for all that God has done
for me. When I look at my wife I feel
blessed. When I look at my children I
feel blessed. When I look in the mirror
I feel blessed. Ok, maybe that last one
was a stretch. But you get the
picture. I feel blessed.
It’s so easy to get caught up in day to day life and not see
all that God has blessed us with. If you
don’t feel very blessed this morning, let me remind you what Galatians 3:13
(KJV) tells us:
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being
made a curse for us…
When Jesus went to the cross, He became cursed so that we
could be redeemed from the curse of the law.
YOU HAVE BEEN REDEEMED FROM THE CURSE OF THE LAW! That is great news! If you don’t think so, then go take a look at
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 to see what all Christ has redeemed you from. Then go back and read verses 1-14 to see all
the blessings God has promised you. Open
your eyes today to all the blessings God has placed in your life, and I hope
you will feel blessed!
bless•ed: divinely or supremely favored; fortunate:
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