Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
Psalm 23 is rich with so many things about how Jesus leads us.  One thing I've realized though is that His leading me into so many wonderful things only benefits me when I choose to follow.  I'll never recognize the full ability of my Leader unless I choose to follow very closely behind.  Since we could camp out on each verse in this Psalm for quite a while, let's just take a look at verse five in the NIV:

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

I've always wondered why Jesus would make something so enticing in the very presence of the things I’m trying to rid from my life.  We see from other scriptures in the word that the table Jesus is preparing for us is full of good things He wants released in our life.  Why then does He set this table up in the presence of my enemies?  Recently, I heard a message from Bill Johnson where He put it like this:  "Jesus doesn't keep us out of view from the surrounding enemies, but He keeps us out of reach.  He wants them to see our satisfaction and enjoyment in Him!"

This settled it for me because I love nothing more then rubbing in the enemies face what Jesus has done for me!  There is no sportsmanship award on the line that I need to worry about.  I don't have to "win with grace" to protect the feelings of others.  No need to "act like I've been there before" when it comes to the victory that Jesus has won for me.  I can just intentionally come to the table He's prepared for me and partake of what He's placed on the table.  All the while the enemy has to look on as Jesus enforces His victory in my life! 

Let me encourage you today to come to the table Jesus has prepared for you.  Hint:  It's not far away.  If you're going through things in your life and it feels like you're surrounded on every side, then the table is closer than ever.  Take a seat and see what Jesus has for you today!

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