Friday, August 11, 2017

Let Love take you Over

Let Love take you Over

I can still picture that moment 450’ above the ground waiting to zipline. My stomach felt empty because I had started at least a day before the actual event worrying. Being scared my whole life of heights, the thought of being so high off the ground made me way too nervous to eat and also scared to pieces to take that first step off of the solid ground that I was standing on to soar through the air to the other mountain top. I was hanging from what they said (repeatedly) was a safe and secure harness but wasn’t feeling like it was near enough under me or around me to be safe enough to fly over what felt and looked like the Grand Canyon.  

How many of us feel this on a regular basis?  Terrified of the unknown,  never willing to come out of our comfort zone in order to try something that we might actually enjoy.  I remember my husband (who is not afraid of anything) saying, “it doesn’t hurt any worse to fall from 450’ as it does from 20’”.  Thank you honey, I feel so much safer now.  But you know, as I was about to take that first step, I heard a small voice inside me say, “Go ahead Brenda, I am with you wherever you go”.  Now, THAT was enough to get me excited.  God is so good to remind us of the very thing that we need, when we need it.  He was going with me.

In Isaiah 41:8-10, God spoke through the prophet to remind Jacob (who was the leader at the time of the people of Israel), that He had chosen them.  He had taken them from the ends of the earth from its farthest corners and called them His servants.  He was with them wherever they went. He is with us just the same. 
Here’s the Key verse, #10
 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.“ 

Back to the moment on the edge of the cliff.  As I meditated on what the Lord was saying to me I became so overwhelmed with His presence and His love toward me that I knew I had nothing to fear. The very God who created these mountains that I was going to experience- from a view I had never seen before- was right there with me all the time.  
Yes, I jumped!! and oh what an experience.  Me and Jesus really enjoyed it!

It’s time that we, as the body of Christ, stop letting fear and torment stop us from doing and being everything that God created us to be.  Its so rewarding to trust in Him and to allow His presence to permeate us in such a way that fear has no ability to enter our mind because we are so full of His love and so sure of His presence.  

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear”  1 John 4:18
He is perfect love.

I want to encourage you to go to the Beyond church website or the Beyond Church App and listen to Wednesday night’s sermon by Mona Parker.  It was a great message on getting the fear out of our lives.

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