Speak life!
I read this the other morning and it struck a chord in me.
“Why is complaining such a big deal? After all, we all
complain about something...
Then I read a little further and discovered the “why”
Here is what we “don't” get when we complain. In the
act of complaining, we create an atmosphere around us
that cannot host the presence of the Lord. Ouch! This
means if you're praying for God to fill you with His spirit and surround you
with His presence, but are, with the very same breath complaining or arguing,
you just nullified your prayer and quenched the Spirit of the Lord.
The Word says in Proverbs 18:21 that "Death
and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the
fruit thereof".
Notice it says they that love it... those that love to
gossip and complain will eat the fruit of gossip, which is death and those that
love to speak words of love will eat the fruit of love, which is joy and peace.
We can't have one while still speaking the other. Your flesh can be
trained to love either of these ways. If you continue in gossiping, your flesh
will crave more gossiping but if you train yourself to continue in love by
getting Gods Word coming out of your mouth, your flesh will crave more of Gods
Word. It's the same as eating. The more good food we put in our mouth, the
better we feel but the more junk food we put in, the more our bodies become
The Word also says in James 3:10 that out of the
same mouth come praise and cursing, but James said, "my brothers and
sisters this should not be. Both freshwater and bitter water cannot flow
from the same spring".
Our words either hurt or they heal, they bring
reconciliation or division. We can call people into their destiny or lead
them away from it. All this just from our words.
So how do we overcome complaining? By beginning to focus on
all the good things The Lord is doing in our life. Instead of complaining about
all the things that aren't right, we must begin to focus more on the things
that are good. Thanksgiving is the key to creating the right atmosphere in our
life for the Holy Spirit to move. Thanksgiving is the victory that causes us to
triumph over complaining and arguing.
So, I encourage you, if you want Gods healing presence in
your life, if you are seeking for joy or desiring more of God's presence
operating In you, begin to develop the fruit of thankfulness.
Today, ask the Holy Spirit to sensitize you to listen to
what words are coming out of your mouth. Are they creating life or death? Begin
to build an atmosphere in your life where the Holy Spirit can dwell and where
your prayers can be answered and where light emanates from you.
Speak life!
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